Advanced Spine Joint & Wellness Center Blog

Chiropractic Hopkins MN Headaches

Can Chiropractic Help Headaches? Natural Relief and Treatment Option in Medina OH

Can Chiropractic Help Headaches? Natural Relief and Treatment Option in Medina OH Headaches are a common ailment that can significantly impact our daily lives, often diminishing productivity and overall well-being. While over-the-counter medication offers quick relief, it doesn’t address the root cause of the problem. This blog explores how chiropractic care can be an effective,…

Chiropractic Hopkins MN Chiropractic Care

What Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Do? Benefits and Effects Explained in Medina OH

What Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Do? Benefits and Effects Explained in Medina OH Are you struggling with persistent back pain, tension headaches, or joint discomfort? While painkillers can temporarily relieve pain, chiropractic adjustments might help you relieve the pain for good. You have heard about chiropractic but need clarification about what a chiropractic adjustment entails…

Create a New You for the New Year

Your health can protect you from the over-commercialization of the holidays. More and more, we hear about how the holidays have turned into something different than what they used to be. Instead of the “true” meaning of Christmas and other holidays they have become about consumerization. Buying and selling and big online sales, they had taken over the season.

Over-commercialization of the Holidays?

Your health can protect you from the over-commercialization of the holidays. More and more, we hear about how the holidays have turned into something different than what they used to be. Instead of the “true” meaning of Christmas and other holidays they have become about consumerization. Buying and selling and big online sales, they had taken over the season.

Be A Superhero!

Has anyone told you you don’t need permission to be a superhero? Or that you don’t need someone to tell you it’s okay to help other people? There are some amazing stories of people that decided they didn’t want to wait to help the people around them that needed help. These were people that didn’t have advanced degrees or complicated certifications. What they did have was the sense of action and an overwhelming urgency to start making changes in the world around them.

“Cogito ergo sum” “I think, therefore I am.”

It’s a classic phrase by Rene Descartes – one that is instantly recognizable. And it comes from a totally unrecognizable world – 1637.

Yet it is still true today. Descartes’ attempt to get to the very bedrock of what he was as a human being is worth looking at as we turn over into the new year. Especially as we examine the beginning of something new – a time when discussions turn to the entire idea of new, and what the idea of new creates – the vision of new possibilities.